"Alien Bones" Spotted by Mars Rover

Hip Bone Identified by Martian Archaeology
Alien hunters claimed to have found alien bones, petrified wood, fungus and lichen on the images taken by NASA's Curiosity rover of the surface of Mars.

The group Martian Archaeology's most exciting  find was  what appeared to be a hip bone stashed among the rock formations on the surface of the Red Planet. The group compared the hip bone side by side to a human thigh bone in a video which they released in social media entitled "Fossilized Bones, Petrified Wood, Fungus & Lichen, Growth & Movement, Life on Mars."

In the video, the group included  a femur thigh bone that was photographed by the Curiosity rover when it was found in 2014. The thigh bone was digitally enhanced by the group to improve depth of color and sharpness, and in doing so, distinguished it from the other pieces of rock and debris surrounding it.

Included in the video were evidence of microorganisms growing on Mars' surface. The group accomplished this by comparing two images of the same surface taken ten days apart. Indeed there were differences and apparent growth.  Other evidence of life included the "Mars Henge" or rock formations that appear to be arranged in a circular formation. The group argued that this circular formation was different from natural ones made by asteroid impacts on the surface of the moon. The formation appears to be in a perfect circle.  Evidence of petrified wood were also presented by the group in the video.

All the above indications suggest that life previously existed on the Red Planet. However, NASA experts were able to dismiss the group's speculation by merely saying that their findings were ordinary geological formations or the result of natural geological phenomena like those seen on earth. Nasa was categorical in saying that there is yet no conclusive evidence of life on Mars.

What NASA scientists in fact did find were evidences that Mars could have sustained life billions of years ago. These evidence which were in the form of minerals were found in Gale Crater specifically a mudstone outcrop in an area called Parhump Hills on Lower Mount Sharp. There were mineral deposits in the area that were layered and suggests that there was once water flowing on the Red Planet. The sediments could have been from an ancient lake and indicated that Mars could have been a habitable planet much like Earth, billions of years ago. During that time, life was just beginning take form on Earth.

Still, many Internet users and eager enthusiasts who have seen the group's video are convinced that the evidence point to the existence of extraterrestrial life on Mars.

The Curiosity rover is a 4-wheel drive robot droid that explores the surface of Mars. It landed on the red planet on August 6, 2014 after a 36-week flight aboard the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL). Initially, the Curiosity's mission was pegged for two years. Until today, it continues its primary mission to take photographs and collect sample on the surface for further analysis and investigation of any sign of life. All photographs of the rover are available for the public to see.