Ed Sheeran Memes on Game of Thrones

The season seven premiere of Game of Thrones  saw
Ed Sheeran featured in a scene with Arya Stark. Sheeran played a Lannister soldier which ushered the scene singing acapella.

"He rode through the streets of the city
Down from his hill on high
Over the wynds and the steps and the cobble
He rode to a woman's sigh
For she was his secret treasure
She was his shame and his bliss
And a chain and a keep are nothing
Compared to a woman's kiss
For hands of gold are always cold
But a woman's hands are warm
For hands of gold are always cold
But a woman's hands are"

In the scene (spoiler alert), Arya informed a group of Lannister troops that she was on her way to King's Landing to become a queen, that is, kill Queen Cersei, which was taken by the soldiers as a mere joke. Arya herself was travelling after she massacred all of the Freys as revenge for the Red Wedding.

Sheeran's appearance was a polarizing moment for the GOT fans, who have taken to social media either to swoon over the cameo, make funny memes or express their frustration that he wasn't killed off in classic Thrones style.